All answers to the BIG questions or Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Life But Were Afraid to Ask.
First, a warning: as you may have already noticed, in this blog, everything is bilingual. Pas traduit, mais bilingue… just another way to have fun. But, to your relief, I’ll try to write a whole post only in English or in French, but not mix them, to make things easier for people who don’t know one or the other language.
En ce qui concerne « Toutes les réponses aux questions importantes ou tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur la vie sans jamais oser le demander », et ce qui les lie au Hunk of Junk, littéralement un tas d’ordure, c’est finalement assez trivial: les questions importantes ne sont pas toujours celles que l’on croit et l’on peut y répondre parfois plus aisément que ce que l’on aurait pensé de premier abord – de plus, je ne vais pas y répondre à toutes en une seule fois (je suis peut-être fou, mais je ne suis pas malade). Of course such questions as Why are we here? What’s life all about? Is God really real, or is there some doubt? What’s the point of all this hoax? are big questions alright, but are they really BIG? Besides the fact that all those questions were already answered in the Monty Python’s movie The Meaning of Live in 1983, I’m not sure those are really the important ones… as Virginia Woolf said in The Common Reader, « Let us not take it for granted that life exists more fully in what is commonly thought big than in what is commonly thought small », and sometimes small.. is really BIG… and answers are sometimes needed, and without delay… si vous voulez savoir exactement ce que cela veut dire, je ne peux que vous inviter à lire Hunk of Junk…
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